Korea University the Department of German Language and Literature

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  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어

Educational Objectives

The objective of TEACH is to foster experts in various regions of the world with high-level language abilities and familiarity with various cultures. The program helps students use comparative methods to view and critically reflect on their own culture, to cultivate the skills necessary to identify problems through their broad knowledge base and hard won insights, and to communicate these issues effectively to others. TEACH is not merely concerned with developing cosmopolitan professionals who can speak fluent English, or with training experts on Germany or Japan. The ultimate goal of TEACH is to foster European experts who are fully acquainted with Asia, and conversely Asian experts who are well-versed in European culture. Such experts on Korea-Japan or Korea-Europe relations in each country are expected to branch out into various fields such as politics, economics, the media, and international diplomacy and partnerships after acquiring their degree. Of course, graduates can also progress to a doctoral program and continue their intellectual journey as researchers.

TEACH - transnational european and east asian culture and history